2012 Dodge ChallengerMileage1Service Date6/24/2022Services PerformedCustomer had AAA tow vehicle out. Engine needed Idris D. gave our service a 5 star review on 6/24/2022
2004 Dodge StratusMileage119,210Service Date4/7/2022Services PerformedWHEEL CYLINDER – Remove & Replace – Both Sides – [Includes: Repack Wheel Bearings (where applicable), bleed System and replace Shoes (if necessary).] Dena G. gave our service a 5 star review on 4/23/2022
2016 Dodge DurangoMileage52,672Service Date12/3/2021Services PerformedRemove and install water pump and thermostat Fernando P. gave our service a 5 star review on 12/3/2021
2006 Dodge PickupMileage105,602Service Date10/19/2021Services PerformedReplaced both rear door wiring harnesses.Could not duplicate customer concern at this time. Possible slight exhaust shield noise at times Mike D. gave our service a 5 star review on 10/19/2021
2015 Dodge DartMileage21,284Service Date8/25/2021Services PerformedService air conditioner. Check condition of all belts and lines. Evacuate and recharge. Test system performance. Helen B. gave our service a 5 star review on 8/25/2021
2006 Dodge Grand CaravanMileage180,000Service Date8/13/2021Services Performedby-pass heater core Tracy J. gave our service a 5 star review on 8/19/2021
2018 Dodge JourneyMileage67,059Service Date4/19/2021Services PerformedLubricate and check chassis. Change oil and oil filter. Check air filter and breather filter. Check all fluid levels and tire pressures.Rotate tires David K. gave our service a 5 star review on 4/19/2021
2012 Dodge JourneyMileage154,030Service Date3/25/2021Services PerformedENGINE OIL COOLER – Remove & Replace – V6 Oil Filter Housing – [Includes: R&I Intake Manifold Gaskets.]Towing Michele H. gave our service a 5 star review on 3/25/2021
2015 Dodge Grand CaravanMileage77,855Service Date3/18/2021Services PerformedLubricate and check chassis. Change oil and oil filter. Check air filter and breather filter. Check all fluid levels and tire pressures. Marc D. gave our service a 5 star review on 3/18/2021
2008 Dodge CaliberMileage86,406Service Date3/17/2021Services PerformedComplete 4 wheel Alignmentremove and replace right front suspension Ayanna M. gave our service a 5 star review on 3/17/2021